Social Action

Putnoe Heights altar frontal close up

Putnoe Heights Church
Methodist Church

Find out about some of the ways we put our faith into action and learn more about the charities and projects we support.

Putnoe Heights is a member of Bedford Street Angels

We have pledged to support them financially, by encouraging our members to become practically involved and through prayer.

Bedford Street Angels say:
"As an organisation, we aim to provide teams of Christians to be available to everyone using the night clubs and other entertainments in Bedford Town Centre on weekend nights. This is done as an expression of Christian faith; partnering with God in prayer and action adds a dimension that sees communities and people transformed. God is far too big to be kept in a church building – as Christians we have chosen to live a life that seeks to make a difference – for the better. That difference needs to be made in the places where people are."
Coffee Mornings
Christian Aid soup lunch
We hold an annual Christian Aid soup lunch of soup, bread and cheese. All donations go to Christian Aid

Bedford Foodbank
At our Harvest Festivals we collect non perishable goods and donations for Bedford Foodbank.
The Tiddler Fund is our small change collection - the money raised is given to emergency appeals.

In 2023 it was used as part of our church response to the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.
small change
carol singing
We regularly raise money for the SMART Prebend Centre which provides facilities, support and guidance to relieve rough sleeping and to prevent further homelessness. 
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